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Example AD powershell query of directory information for School of Pharmacy members and affiliates.

#define constants
$UsersOU = "OU=Users, OU=Identity, DC=AD, DC=UNC, DC=EDU"

$usefullFields =

$today = get-date
$sixMonthsAgo = $today.AddDays(-180)

# Direct members
#$people = get-aduser -LDAPFilter "(Division=45*)" -SearchScope Subtree -SearchBase $UsersOU -Properties * | SELECT $usefullFields

# Alternatively:
# Find everyone in one of the msg_unc-org-45* groups, including people whose primary 'division' isn't SOP
$SOPGroupPattern = "CN=MSG_unc-org-45*"
$match = @()
$people = @()
foreach ($p in (get-aduser -LDAPFilter "(ObjectClass=user)" -SearchScope Subtree `
                           -SearchBase $UsersOU `
                           -Properties "Memberof")){
  foreach ($g in $p.Memberof){
    if ($g -like $SOPGroupPattern){
      $p.samaccountname + ',' + $g
      $match += $p.DistinguishedName
foreach ($m in $match){
    $people += get-aduser -LDAPFilter "(DistinguishedName=$m)" -Properties * | Select $usefullFields

# END Alternatively

$otherPeople = @() # Managers outside SOP

foreach ($p in $people){
  if ($p.Manager){
    $isSOP = 0
    $i = get-aduser -Identity $p.Manager -Properties * | SELECT "EmployeeID"
    $p.Manager = $i.EmployeeID # translate DN to PID
    foreach ($q in $people){
      if ([Int32]$q.EmployeeID -eq [Int32]$i.EmployeeID){
        $isSOP = 1
    if (!$isSOP){
      $t = $i.EmployeeID
      $isDupe = 0
      foreach ($o in $otherPeople){
        if ([Int32]$t -eq [Int32] $o.EmployeeID){
          $isDupe = 1
      if (!$isDupe){
        $otherPeople += get-aduser -LDAPFilter "(EmployeeID=$t)" -SearchScope Subtree `
                        -SearchBase $UsersOU -Properties * | SELECT $usefullFields
  if ($p.LastLogonTimeStamp){
    $lastActive = [datetime]::FromFileTime($p.LastLogonTimeStamp).ToString('g') # translate to standard time encoding
    if ([datetime]$lastActive -lt $sixMonthsAgo){
      $p.LastLogonTimeStamp = 0 # Active is false
    else{ $p.LastLogonTimeStamp = 1 }

foreach ($p in $otherPeople){
  if ($p.Manager){
    $i = get-aduser -Identity $p.Manager -Properties * | SELECT "EmployeeID"
    $p.Manager = $i.EmployeeID # translate DN to PID
  if ($p.LastLogonTimeStamp){
    $lastActive = [datetime]::FromFileTime($p.LastLogonTimeStamp).ToString('g') # translate to standard time encoding
    if ([datetime]$lastActive -lt $sixMonthsAgo){
      $p.LastLogonTimeStamp = 0 # Active is false
    else{ $p.LastLogonTimeStamp = 1 }

$people | export-csv -delimiter '|' ourpeople.csv
$otherPeople | export-csv -Append -Delimiter '|' ourpeople.csv
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