January 2021 Vol. 9
Welcome to the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Newsletter for Experiential Partners and Preceptors! Newsletters will share updates about the School and Experiential Programs, recognize our preceptors and students, and provide teaching pearls for preceptors.
The Office of Experiential Programs Welcomes Christy Holland, PharmD, BCACP
We are delighted to have Christy Holland join our team as Director of Experiential Programs. Her prior practice and precepting roles in health system and community pharmacy, as well as her leadership experience, have prepared her well to support our preceptors, students, and team. Please take a moment to learn more about our newest team member in Christy’s personal message below.
“It is a true privilege for me to be selected to serve the students, faculty, staff, preceptors, and partners of the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy as the Director of the Office of Experiential Programs. Upon graduation in 2001, I completed an inpatient residency and began my journey as a health system pharmacist. With moves to Georgia, Virginia, and Arkansas as a military family, I maintained a focus on health system pharmacy practice and residency program development while also spending a few years at home with my young children, and two years on faculty at Harding University College of Pharmacy.
In 2013, our family moved back to North Carolina, and I transitioned to community practice with Realo Drugs. My timing in helping to develop new student and resident education structures for Realo aligned well with the development of the new curriculum at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformation of students and their abilities as a result of the new curriculum.
In my new role in the Office of Experiential Programs, I hope to bring a fresh perspective to processes that have helped to make Eshelman School of Pharmacy the #1 pharmacy school in the country. I plan to be a mentor and teacher to students as they navigate through the experiential curriculum on their way to professional successes. I plan to support preceptors, sites, and experiential partners as they strive to provide the most immersive experiences for our students. I look forward to the challenge of continuing the excellence that is expected from the School’s experiential programs.”
Student Spotlight
Congratulations to UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy SNPhA (Student National Pharmaceutical Association) chapter on their success at the SNPhA/NPhA National Convention held virtually November 2020. SNPhA promotes programs aimed to improve the health, education, and social environment of communities that experience higher rates of health disparities and are undeserved by our healthcare system. Students on the Asheville and Chapel Hill campuses provided education and clinical services to 594 patients and were involved in 109 community outreach events in 2019-2020.
Recognition includes:
- Nomination for Chapter of the year 2019-2020 (top 3 finalists for medium-size chapters)
- Nomination for National JB Hill President of the Year 2019-2020 (Julie Shiyayo, class of 2021)
- First Annual SNPhA Great Debate First Place (Lee Arphai, class of 20210 and Galina Wang, class of 2021)
- National Prescription for Service Grant Award Third Place (Project: Steady Forward for Steadfast- Lee Arphai, class of 2021; Amanda Myers, class of 2023; Morgan Phillips, class of 2021; Galina Wang, class of 2021)
- National Scrapbook Competition Best Overall (Hawi Tasissa, class of 2022)
- Scholarship Recipients- Lee Arphai, class of 2021; Aliya Cruz, class of 2022; Ashley Gleaton, class of 2023; Megan Griffin, class of 2023; Jasmine Perry, class of 2022
Below are a few quotes from SNPhA members about their experiences:
“Being president of the UNC SNPhA chapter has been a huge accomplishment. Working to serve under-served communities has given me a new outlook on pharmacy practice, and the role of pharmacists in improving the health and well-being of our surrounding community. I look forward to continuing to provide patient care through UNC SNPhA.” – Jasmine Perry, class of 2022
“This year, the 2020 SNPhA National Convention offered a challenge for members to expand their clinical knowledge. The convention planning committee set up its First Annual Great SNPhA Debate, and a pair of 4th year UNC pharmacy students were among the first teams to sign up. [Team members] spent weeks preparing a presentation to defend the use of triple antithrombotic therapy in patients with a-fib and a recent PCI. The debate was live and had over 100 attendees during the convention. In the end, the hard work paid off and the team walked away with a first-place plaque!”- Lee Arphai, class of 2021
“Prescription for Service is a national competition through SNPhA and sponsored by Walmart. Those interested teamed up in groups of four and designed and implemented a community impact project. Our idea was to focus on the need among the women and children at the Steadfast House, a transitional home for this vulnerable population. We created in-person classes on disease state management, mental health and children’s wellbeing, nutrition and exercise, and domestic violence awareness. Through this process we fostered a long-term relationship with the Steadfast House, strengthened our leadership skills, and persevered through challenges along the way. Steadfast House truly is an amazing place to help and empower women in a time of need.” – Morgan Phillips, class of 2021
“I have loved being involved in SNPhA! Since joining my first year I’ve had amazing opportunities to educate our community about national healthcare issues, promote minority healthcare professionals, and develop leadership & professional skills. As historian, it was especially rewarding to recruit guest speakers to give important professional & life lessons to our members as well as gather precious memories from the previous school year and create a fun and interactive scrapbook.” Hawi Tasissa, class of 2022
“It is such an honor to be a part of UNC SNPhA. Working with many creative and hardworking future pharmacists has inspired me to seek more service opportunities as I continue along this career path. We are all so thankful for the awards we received at the National Convention and are eager to continue exploring new ways to serve underserved communities in this field.” Ashley Gleaton, class of 2023
“UNC SNPhA has given me an experience with the School that is even more incredible than I anticipated. It has given me a new perspective on the value of serving the underserved, and how wonderful it is when a motivated group collaborates to provide healthcare services. Having a special role in the Power to End Stroke and Fighting Diabetes initiatives has also allowed me to learn more about disease states that have largely impacted my own family and countless others.”– Megan Griffin, class of 2023
Preceptor Spotlight

Congratulations to Ashlyn Norris, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Alumnus and PGY2 Infectious Disease Pharmacy Resident at UNC Medical Center, for receiving the SIDP (Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists) Trainee Award in 2020. This award recognizes outstanding SIDP member pharmacy students, residents, or fellows who have demonstrated their dedication to the field of infectious diseases pharmacotherapy. Ashlyn graduated from UNC Eshelman School of pharmacy in 2019 and then completed her PGY1-Acute Care Residency at UNC Medical Center. As a PGY2 resident, Ashlyn serves as a team preceptor for UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy students. When asked about her role as a preceptor, Ashlyn stated “I try to encourage curiosity and excitement about infectious diseases in my learners and serve as a mentor for them.” After residency, she hopes to continue working in a clinical setting as an Antimicrobial Stewardship pharmacist.
Preceptor Pearl
Preceptor Wellness Minute
Staying Connected When We are Kept Apart
Yang (Shirley) Guo (Class of 2021)
Suzanne Harris, PharmD, BCPP, Director of Well-Being and Resilience
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Upcoming Events and Other Information
Professional Development Programming
- January 28th, 3-4p Preceptor Design Lab Series: Peeling Back Layered Learning
- Click here for more information and to register
- February 3rd 12-1p Creating an Environment to Foster Well-Being in the Work and Classroom Setting.
- Click here for more information and to register
- March 25th 12-1p Considerations of the LGBTQIA Community in Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment.
- Click here for more information and to register
Online Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences
The UNC Eshleman School of Pharmacy is now accepting applications to our Online Master’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree with a focus on Health-System Pharmacy Administration for fall 2021.
Learn more about our program by downloading our guide
Student Awards
Nominations for the Jamie Gassaway Kilar Patient Care Award is now open! Please take a moment to review and complete the following Qualtrics surveys to nominate a student, who you feel is deserving of receiving such an honor. All nominations are due by Sunday, January 24.
Jamie Gasaway Kilar Patient Care Award
Eligible recipient: PY4 scheduled to graduate in May 2021
Please nominate a PY4, who exhibits the highest standards of knowledge, dedication, and compassion in the area of patient care.
Newsletter Suggestion Box
We would love to hear from you! Please submit your feedback and suggestions for newsletter improvement along with ideas for future content (preceptor spotlight, student spotlight, preceptor pearl, etc.) here.
Office of Experiential Programs Contact Information
Office Leadership:
Nicki Pinelli Reitter, PharmD, MS, FCCP, CDE
Assistant Dean of Experiential Programs
Leads the strategic vision and assessment of the experiential curriculum and strengthens partnerships with sites and preceptors.
Abbey Kruse, M.Ed.
Assistant Director of the Office of Curricular and Student Affairs – Experiential Programs
Primary contact for student academic, well-being, professionalism, or discrimination/harassment concerns
Christy Holland, PharmD, BCACP
Director of Experiential Programs
Provides oversight of Immersion and Advanced Immersion experiences and serves as the primary point of contact for guidance regarding experiential policies and procedures. Provides assistance with setting student expectations, structuring learning activities to meet learning experience requirements and guidance with student evaluations.
Experiential Software Management and Systems Support:
Pam S. Jackson
Preceptor and Partner Specialist
Implements student schedules and manages RxPreceptor accounts. Serves as point of contact for RxPreceptor inquiries, AHEC digital library access, completion of preceptor application and training, and AHEC housing questions.
Student On-boarding and School Requirements:
Billy Justus, MS
Compliance Specialist
Ensures student completion of site-specific onboarding and school requirements (e.g. immunizations, drug screenings, criminal background checks, CPR, HIPAA Training, OSHA Training, TB Status, and other onboarding as required by sites).
Preceptor Training, Development, and Recognition:
Charlene Williams, PharmD, BCACP, CDE
Director of Preceptor Development
Develops and oversees preceptor onboarding, training, development, and recognition. Point of contact for preceptor training and development needs and preceptor newsletter content.
Newsletter Content Editor
Charlene Williams, PharmD, BCACP CDE
Content Marketing Manager:
Erica McCready