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Intent to Teach Form

  • UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

    Each semester the registrar must collect specific information for courses that faculty intend to offer so a course schedule can be developed and courses can be updated in ConnectCarolina for course registration. Complete the following form for each required and elective PharmD and graduate courses that you plan to offer next semester.

    Note: Where possible, PharmD electives should be scheduled on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays to avoid conflict with required courses.

  • Example: Spring 2013
  • Example: PHCY
  • Example: 465
  • Example: Basic Pharmaceutics
  • Please describe any significant changes in the course since the last time it was offered including: a) change in course director; b) major changes to course content; c) changes in how content is delivered or requirements outside the classroom, including amount and type of content and expectations of students in preparing for class; d) changes in how teaching and learning takes place in the classroom; and, e) changes in assessment and evaluation strategies (e.g., quizzes, exams, projects).
  • Check all that apply.
  • (In general there is no minimum for the Asheville campus unless group work is required. In such cases the minimum will be 2.)
  • Check all that apply.
  • This does not guarantee you will be assigned that room
  • Please list the days and times when you are unavailable due to other University commitments.
  • Class Schedule Preferences

  • Check all that apply