Room Support: Chapel Hill
Beginning July 30, 2024, the Information and Educational Technology Department will no longer be monitoring classes in real-time on the Chapel Hill campus from the Beard 110 control room. IET will move to a just-in-time virtual support model.
What’s Different
- IET staff will no longer be stationed at the console in Beard 110.
- There will not be monitoring for verbal requests from Beard 110.
- Microsoft Teams is the primary and fastest way to receive classroom support moving forward.
- Staff will assist with troubleshooting and return to other duties.
- STARs (paid PY1 students) will return to the Chapel Hill PY1 classes this academic year to provide troubleshooting like changing batteries and signing in and out of Poll Everywhere.
What’s the Same
- IET will continue to conduct morning and end of day room checks.
- Zoom meetings for classes will still be created by the IET department before the start of each semester.
- IET will facilitate the in-room connections.
- The Zoom call in support line will still be available.
Requesting Support
- A guide for requesting support through Microsoft Teams is below
- The Teams message will be sent to multiple members of the IET team who have a host of applications to control all technology capabilities on site and remotely from home.
- If the issue cannot be resolved remotely or takes longer than 10 minutes, a technician will be dispatched to the room.
- Zoom
- Join the meeting directly by clicking here:
- You will briefly be placed into a waiting room for the next technician to assist you.
- Join the meeting directly by clicking here:
QR Code Stickers
Staff placed stickers with QR codes on lecterns and tables at the School. A functional example is below. You can scan the QR codes to access:
- Room instructions
- Teams instructions to receive support
- Classroom technology survey
- A direct link to the Zoom support meeting
- Link to submit a ticket via