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From Al Sarhangi:

Please join me in welcoming Jason Martin to the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. Jason joined the School as the Technology Operations Manager in Educational Technology on May 16th, and has been busy acclimating to the fast-paced world of the Techcore.

Martin spent the last two and a half years at Seattle University as a Media Services Specialist where he was responsible for classroom support and various instructional technology initiatives. He brings a wealth of experience in the areas of videoconferencing and classroom management, and we are confident that he will continue to help the Office of Educational Technology in supporting the educational mission of our School. I would like to thank the search committee who participated in the selection process.

Martin will be located in the Techcore, Beard 110A and can be reached  If you have a moment, please stop by the Techcore to introduce yourself to him.

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