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FREE Workplace Blood Pressure Management Program, Check. Change. Control.® Registration Closes December 20!
Please join the State Health Plan and American Heart Association to help Carolina employees achieve optimal health by choosing to provide Check. Change. Control.® in your school or division next year. The State Health Plan in partnership with the American Heart Association will be offering a FREE self-management blood pressure control program, Check. Change. Control., available to all interested state worksites, schools, and universities in February 2018. Schools or divisions must sign up to participate by Wednesday, December 20, 2017. Click here to register your school or division today!


In addition, you may register for a train-the-trainer webinar held in January 2018. The webinar will provide you with easy steps to guide employees through the four-month program. To register for a train-the-trainer webinar, click either the January 8, 10-11 a.m. webinar or the January 10, 4-5 p.m. webinar.


***Individual employee sign-up will begin after the train-the-trainer webinars.

Please do not promote with employees until after you have participated in one of the two webinar options.

The program cannot support blood pressure cuffs at the individual level.***


What is Check. Change. Control.?
Check. Change. Control. is a pre-packaged four-month turn-key program. Each school or division that signs up by Wednesday, December 20 will receive a blood pressure monitor, if needed, training, and ready-to-go health messages to help employees at your workplace to achieve target blood pressure results. Employees will receive access to an electronic tracking tool and you will receive aggregated progress reports for employees showing the impact of the program.


Why provide Check. Change. Control.?
30% of Plan members have high blood pressure – but even more may be undiagnosed. Undetected and poorly managed high blood pressure can significantly affect one’s ability to work and live a healthy life. This four-month program begins in February. It will identify employees who are undiagnosed and at risk for developing high blood pressure and help employees with high blood pressure achieve target blood pressure results.

Please contact Jessica Pyjas, Work/Life & Wellness Program Manager, at or 919-962-6008

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