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August 2019 Vol. 4


Welcome to the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Newsletter for Experiential Partners and Preceptors! Newsletters will share updates about the School and Experiential Programs, recognize our preceptors and students, and provide teaching pearls for preceptors.

Preceptor Spotlight

Jennifer Kim, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CPP

In 2008, Jennifer Kim received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Florida and subsequently completed postgraduate training at Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital. She has worked as assistant professor, clinical specialist, clinical manager, and director of pharmacy residencies. She maintains board certification in Pharmacotherapy and Ambulatory Care and is currently Assistant Director of Pharmacy Education with Greensboro Area Health Education Center, Assistant Professor of Clinical Education with University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy, and Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner at Cone Health Internal Medicine Center. She serves as preceptor for Ambulatory Care Internal Medicine rotations for immersion and advanced immersion students as well as pharmacy residents. Dr. Kim is recognized for her skills at integrating student research into practice.

Each year, Dr. Kim accommodates all students who are interested in research by encouraging preceptors to submit project proposals and connecting them to students with mutual interests. She also serves on research committees throughout Cone Health and provides preceptor continuing education on incorporating students into research, including advice such as: inquiring about student interests and availability during rotation orientation, developing a timeline and project plan, collaborating with other students and interprofessional team members, and demonstrating value with each project (patient care, quality, satisfaction, financial outcomes, etc.). In addition to these considerations, preceptors can incorporate research into patient care activities by using practical designs such as cross-sectional analyses for medication use evaluations, pre-post studies for quality initiatives, or retrospective studies of existing data, which have been linked to higher odds of publication compared to interventional or observational studies (Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2015; 7(6):780-786).

Student Spotlight

Raena Rhone and Carolyn Rath, Class of 2020

King Hussein Cancer Center in Amman, Jordan

Carolyn Rath and Raena Rhone, class of 2020, are student pharmacist recipients of the prestigious Joe Hollingsworth Memorial Scholarship. In addition to helping support academic endeavors at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, this scholarship also provides a stipend for recipients to participate in a summer learning experience. For their Hollingsworth Learning Experiences, Ms. Rhone and Ms. Rath requested to jointly participate in a unique opportunity – the creation of a pharmacy-focused summer experience. As co-interns at the NC Cancer Hospital from 2017-2019, they were interested in pursuing a joint experience in oncology pharmacy.

They contacted a UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy alum, Dr. Imad Treish, who had once spoken to their class about his experience in establishing clinical pharmacy services at King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) in Amman, Jordan. Dr. Treish connected them to pharmacy administrators at KHCC who helped to arrange rotation experiences based on their interests. While Ms. Rhone pursued Palliative Care and Pharmacoeconomics, Ms. Rath spent time in the Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant unit.

In addition to expressing their gratitude as recipients for the scholarship, they also wished to share some information about their experience. The following are some statements they provided about their learning experiences: “In addition to learning about pharmacy practice and forming lasting friendships at KHCC, we were also grateful for the cultural awareness that we gained during our time in Jordan. We were fortunate to be able to explore the rich cultural and political history of the region through visits to Petra, Wadi Rum desert, and Jerusalem. We are so grateful for the support and encouragement that the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Foundation has provided to us throughout this experience. We are hopeful that student pharmacists at UNC will have the chance to expand their academic and cultural boundaries at KHCC in the future.”

Preceptor Pearl

Feedback Geared for Success

Lana M. Mindshew, PhD.

Providing feedback that is informative, constructive, and supports a Growth mindset (i.e., the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed) can be a difficult undertaking. Providing feedback is an essential part of learning in the experiential education setting and is necessary to mold the next generation of pharmacists. We know from research that feedback can influence student motivation and performance (Alderman, Towers, and Bannah, 2012; Evans, 2013) and is linked to mindset development (Forsythe & Johnson, 2017). But how do we provide informative and constructive feedback in the moment that truly supports the development of a learner’s growth mindset and clinical skills? Carol Dweck (2006), the author of Mindset: The new psychology of success, suggests that our language frames how learners will interpret our feedback. The words we choose and how we present them influences the response we obtain from our learners. Being cognizant of how we, as preceptors, respond to different learners and educational scenarios can impact learning during rotations.

Read more


Upcoming Events and Other Information

  • November 7, 2019 12-1 p: Preceptor Design Lab Series: Constructing Effective Communication.
    • Sponsors: Center for Innovative Pharmacy Education and Research (CIPhER) and Office of Experiential Programs (OEP)
    • This session is designed to equip preceptors with evidence-based strategies to communicate clear expectations, deliver difficult news, and promote learning from mistakes.
    • Registration information will be shared via email in the coming weeks. Attendance options include live, streamed, and on-demand (recorded)


  • October 17-19, 2019 ASHP National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference in Dallas, Texas.


Newsletter Suggestion Box

We would love to hear from you! Please submit your feedback and suggestions for newsletter improvement along with ideas for future content  (preceptor spotlight, student spotlight, preceptor pearl, etc.) here:


Office of Experiential Programs Contact Information

Office Leadership:

Nicki Pinelli Reitter, PharmD, MS, FCCP, CDE

Assistant Dean of Experiential Programs

Leads the strategic vision and assessment of the experiential curriculum and strengthens partnerships with sites and preceptors. 


Abbey Kruse, M.Ed.

Assistant Director of the Office of Curricular and Student Affairs – Experiential Programs

Primary contact for student academic, well-being, professionalism, or discrimination/harassment concerns


Practice Experiences and Preceptor and Student Concerns:

Brian Donahue, PharmD

Director of Practice Experiences: Community

Provides oversight of Immersion and Advanced Immersion experiences and serves as the primary point of contact for guidance regarding experiential policies and procedures, assistance with setting student expectations, structuring learning activities to meet learning experience requirements, and guidance with student evaluations at community pharmacy sites.


Kathryn Fuller, PharmD

Director of Practice Experiences: Health Systems

Provides oversight of Immersion and Advanced Immersion experiences and serves as the primary point of contact for guidance regarding experiential policies and procedures, assistance with setting student expectations, structuring learning activities to meet learning experience requirements, and guidance with student evaluations at health system and nontraditional sites.


Experiential Software Management and Systems Support:

Pam S. Jackson

Preceptor and Partner Specialist

Implements student schedules and manages RxPreceptor accounts. Serves as point of contact for RxPreceptor inquiries, AHEC digital library access, completion of preceptor application and training, and AHEC housing questions.


Student On-boarding and School Requirements:

Billy Justus, MS

Compliance Specialist

Ensures student completion of site-specific onboarding and school requirements (e.g. immunizations, drug screenings, criminal background checks, CPR, HIPAA Training, OSHA Training, TB Status, and other onboarding as required by sites). 


Preceptor Training, Development, and Recognition:

Charlene Williams, PharmD, BCACP, CDE

Director of Preceptor Development

Develops and oversees preceptor onboarding, training, development, and recognition. Point of contact for preceptor training and development needs and preceptor newsletter content.


Newsletter Content Editor:

Charlene Williams, PharmD, BCACP CDE     


Content Marketing Manager:

Erica McCready

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