Eshelman School of Pharmacy Facility Space Requests Portal
Space is a finite resource at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. To ensure the efficient and equitable allocation and use of space, the school’s facility team (Scott Savage and Keith Stallings) has developed a process to collect facility space requests for new or current team members within the school’s assigned square footage. Effective immediately, all requests for space adjustments or placement of a team member should be submitted through the online form at the bottom of this page.
The online Eshelman Facility Space Request portal provides the official request for space allocation within the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
The team wants to begin expanding the approval/documentation process to assure alignment and support of organizational needs.
The requestor will receive an email of receipt and then a final assignment of space. Our goal is for a response of follow-up or assignment no later than 10-business days. For some, we will have interactive discussions, but we will attempt to be as proactive as possible through the modification or hiring of a team member
This form should only be used to request additional square footage. Modifications/construction requests to existing space can move through the current FAO service request or work directly with Chris Allen/Scott Savage.
WE WILL NEED FEEDBACK to improve the process moving forward. As you submit, please let us know your thoughts and suggestions for improvement. Version #2 is already under-development, but Version #1 is available and ready to support this process.
To begin the process please fill out the Eshelman School of Pharmacy Space Request Form