BCB Student Defense – Multi-scale studies of molecular self-assembly in biology
2004 MarsicoVia Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94472586268?pwd=UVBXeDFkeFNmdmJnc0xNT0I4L1VrQT09#success Ian Seim Amy Gladfelter and Daphne Klotsa Labs
Via Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94472586268?pwd=UVBXeDFkeFNmdmJnc0xNT0I4L1VrQT09#success Ian Seim Amy Gladfelter and Daphne Klotsa Labs
Nationally Acclaimed Investing Experts - Are you a science trainee looking for ways to improve your personal financial situation? Come join Financial Sense for Scientists (FS2) - a personal finance peer mentoring group. This event will cover the advantages of investing in individual stocks, critical factors to consider … Read more
David Barker, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Matthew Flick, PhD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Diego Bohorquez, PhD, Assistant Professor, Medicine GI and Neurobiology, Duke University
Juanita L. Merchant, MD, PhD, Professor, Internal Medicine & Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Michigan
Alexander Kabanov, PhD, DrSci, Director, Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Mescal S. Ferguson Distinguished Professor, Co-Director, Carolina Institute for Nanomedicine, Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Pablo Ariel, PhD, Assistant Professor, Directory of the Microscopy Services Lab
Kathryn E. Hamilton, PhD