Marsico 4004
Marsico 4004Feijun Wang, Chemistry Postdoc Candidate (Frankowski Lab)
Seminar: “Synthetic Investigation of Natural Products Causing Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration”
Marsico 4004Michael Cunningham Seminar (Frankowski Postdoc Candidate)
Seminar: “Development of synthetic methodology involving 1-hydrosilatrane”
Marsico 4004Sami Varjosaari, Kevin Frankowski Postdoc Candidate Seminar
End of the Year Research Symposium
Marsico 4004SCHEDULE 12:05-12:20 PM Sarah Clinkscales Exploring selective MPP8 chromodomain inhibition through the synthesis of ornithine-based methyl lysine mimetics 12:20-12:35 PM Matthew Fleming Phage display of GPCRs to identify biased G-protein signaling peptide antagonists 12:35-12:50 PM Rylee Wander Development of … Read more
Berkley Gryder Seminar
Marsico 4004Seminar: “Targeted Ultrasmall Particle Imaging Platforms as Next-Generation Treatment Tools for Drug Delivery and Induction of Cell Death”
Marsico 4004Michelle S Bradbury, MD, PhD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Seminar: “Towards Cell Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis: In Vitro Evaluation of Progenitors and Engraftment”
Marsico 4004UNC Stem Cell Semnar: Scott H. Randell, PhD, Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology, Director, UNC Marsico Lung Institute/Cystic Fibrosis Center Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core