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BCB Student Seminar Series

Via Zoom Meeting Joey Foster Ian Davis & Joel Parker Labs N-terminus of SETD2 regulates placement of H3K36me3 Jamshaid Shahir Jeremy Purvis Lab Elucidating the role of the cell cycle in human embryonic stem cell differentiation using multiplexed imaging

Diversity and Inclusion Workshop: Respecting All

This workshop explores biased behavior prevalent in the SOM and responses to these acts of disrespect and discrimination. REGISTER HERE:

Precision Medicine Approaches to Addressing COVID-19 Mini-Symposium

Join the UNC Program for Precision Medicine in Health Care (PPMH) for Precision Medicine Approaches to Addressing COVID-19, a free virtual mini-symposium from 1:00-3:00pm on Wednesday February 23, 2022. Presenters will explore how data has informed our response to the … Read more