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Shuyan Huang is a current PY2 (Class of 2021) on the Chapel Hill campus, from Jiangsu Province, China. She completed her undergraduate degree in Biology from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2017. For today’s student feature, Sit with Senate’s Jisun Ban sat down with Shuyan and her cat, Fuzzy Grey to discuss her experience at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy.

Sit with Senate: How has your perspective on the profession of pharmacy changed since joining the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy community?

SH: Before coming to the Eshelman School of Pharmacy ESOP, my only pharmacy experiences were at a community and a hospital setting. Within a year, I learned that there are so much more options in the pharmacy field. Moreover, the pharmacy school has helped me gain a deeper understanding of a pharmacist’s responsibilities through the immersion experience. I only had pharmacy experiences at community and hospital settings. Now I know there are much more options in the pharmacy area. Moreover, ESOP has helped me gained a deeper understanding of a pharmacist’s responsibilities through the immersion experience.   

SwS: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
SH: Just remember these five words… “You Are Better Than That” I always remind myself when I am going through some hardships. It’s not really an advice. I forget who told me these words, but every time I encounter the down side of my life they always come into my mind: “You’re better than that.”

SwS: Who is your favorite professor at Eshelman School of Pharmacy, and why?
SH: Although Every every professor is unique. I, I believe that Dr. Shrewsbury deserves special recognition.  was He is willing to spend extra time talking with me and to the students and getting to know them. I have learned a lot from him, and I admire his work ethic. for so many years.

SwS: What did you want to be when you grow up?
SH: When I was a little girl, I wanted to become a writer. I still hope that I can become a writer just like Williams Maugham, who was a doctor and a writer. Also, the creator of Sailor Moon, Naoko Takeuchi is a licensed pharmacist.  In general, I believe that your career shouldn’t stop you from achieving other dreams or goals in your life.

SwS: What do you work toward in your free time?
SH: I try to relax a lot and go to the gym to work -out. When I get more free time, I travel. I love to travel places with long histories so I can learn and hear a lot of stories from them!  If I have time in the near future, I’d love to go to Greece because I used to be obsessed with their mythology and of course because the view is stunning.

Interview with Shuyan & Fuzzy Grey

SwS: What is your pet’s name? and h How long have you had your pet(s)?
SH: His name is Fuzzy Grey. I’m a big fan of Grey’s anatomy and his fur happens to be grey. He has been my buddy for two years and a half.  

SwS: “How would you describe your perfect day?”
FG: Every day is a perfect day because I’m an amazing cat. Stay with me for one day and then you will know why.

SwS: “What do you do all day when I am gone for school?”
FG: Well I nap a lot and entertain myself a lot. I won’t let you know the details until you become a cat. Otherwise you won’t understand.

SwS: “If you had a job, what would it be?”
FG: A surgeon of course. I’m independent and I never complain. I wake up at 5am and go to bed at 12am. I can nap whenever I want. I care about my personal hygiene too. I wash (lick) my paws millions of times a day. Just so you know, I also have a VIP restroom.


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