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Find Computer Serial Number

September 1, 2015

Many computer hardware vendors use the serial number to uniquely identify a system for the purpose of maintenance requests, warranty inquiries, etc. Typically the serial number can be found somewhere on the exterior of the case but here are a … Read more

File Naming and Organization Guidelines

August 11, 2015

Only use alphanumeric characters (i.e., A-Z, 0-9), space, hyphen or underscore in file names.  A reference for reserved characters can be found here for Mac and here for Windows.  Pay special attention when copy/pasting from a program to a filename to … Read more

Lock Computer When Left Unattended

July 24, 2015

If you leave your computer unattended make sure to lock the computer to prevent someone from sitting at the console and using the computer under your account.  Locking your computer will require your login password to be entered in order … Read more

Backup Your Computer

January 21, 2015

This document provides a discussion of computer backup solutions and our recommendations. For computer backups we generally distinguish between two types: file and image. A file backup is simply a copy, or snapshot, of a set of files at a … Read more

Send Large Files

January 5, 2015

For many, email is the de facto method for sharing files between users.  However most email services, including the University’s instance of Microsoft Exchange, impose a limit on the total size of an email, including file attachments.  For this … Read more

Connect to M Drive

November 26, 2014

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Find lost email attachment

November 24, 2014

Has this happened to you?  You open an email attachment, make some modifications, click save and close the attachment.  Later you want to go back to that saved copy only to realize you don’t know where you saved it on … Read more