Classroom Capture
The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy uses Panopto record classroom sessions. Please review the following policies regarding classroom capture:
Recording and Releasing
- The Office of Professional Education will provide the Education Technology Department a list of classes that need to be recorded each semester at least three weeks before the start of the semester.
- All PY1 – PY3 required and elective coursework in “recording-enabled classrooms” will be recorded.
- Graduate classes and meetings will not be recorded unless requested.
- Course Director/Meeting organizer(s) must complete a Lecture Capture request at
- Class recordings will be published and released in the following manner:
- Automatically published to respective course in Sakai
- Course Director will receive an email with link to view recording
- Classrooms with recording capabilities include:
- Beard 102 & 200
- Kerr 1001 & 2001
- Marsico 4004
- Karpen 011 & 106
- Opting Out
- Under special circumstances, faculty can request that a class not be recorded. Special circumstances may include cases where the pedagogical approach could be compromised.
- Faculty must email opt-out request to Dean Joyner and receive approval first.
- If/once approval is granted, Dean Joyner will notify the Education Technology Department of what classes and/or class sessions do not need to be recorded.
- Requests for opting out need to be submitted at least five days in advance.
- Under special circumstances, faculty can request that a class not be recorded. Special circumstances may include cases where the pedagogical approach could be compromised.
- Request Permission for Class Meetings or Activities
- In some cases, class meetings or activities that fall outside of the normal PY1 – PY3 required or elective curriculum may be recorded.
- Faculty and/or Staff must complete a Lecture Capture request at
- Recordings will be published and released in the following manner:
- Automatically published to respective course in Canvas (if available)
- Course Director will receive an email with link to view recording
- In some cases, class meetings or activities that fall outside of the normal PY1 – PY3 required or elective curriculum may be recorded.
- Students will only be able to view recordings for classes they are enrolled in Canvas.
- All recordings will be stored in Panopto (ONYEN required) unless otherwise requested.
- All recordings will only be available in streaming format and cannot be downloaded to individual personal devices.
- Only registered users with ONYENs are able to view class recordings. Any external users (e.g. guest speakers, partners, etc.) will not be able to view recordings unless the recording(s) are made public (must be approved by Course Director).
Guest Speakers
- Guest speakers must sign waiver acknowledging that class will be recorded and released.
- Course Director is responsible for notifying guest speaker, providing waiver and obtaining authorization.
Retention Policy
- All recordings are stored for two years from the last view.
- Dean Corbett will notify Education Technology Department if recordings need to be kept active on the server for more than two years for any reason.
- Any requests to retrieve recordings from offline storage must be done through a Lecture Capture request at
- Only Student Senate Secretaries can request that student-organized event(s) are recorded.
- Requests to record student-organized events, clubs, meetings, etc. will only be processed when submitted by Student Secretaries.
- Recording requests from any other parties for student-organized events, clubs, meetings, etc. will be directed to contact the Student Secretaries.
- Recording requests from students due to personal vacation or doctor’s appointments will not be processed.
Inclement Weather
- In the event of inclement weather on either the Chapel Hill or Asheville campuses, classes will be live-streamed out of capable classrooms.
- See for additional details on Inclement Weather Policy